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Patrick Toomey



Patrick is a partner at BSG who has spent the past decade conducting qualitative and quantitative research to build campaign strategies, understand lived experiences and behaviors, and help his clients bring about change.


Since cutting his teeth as part of the team polling for the Obama White House, Patrick has worked with groups like the DNC, DSCC, DCCC, The Fairness Project, and State Policy Advisors to develop winning strategies for everything from tossup Senate races to progressive ballot initiatives in red states.


Patrick specializes in working with foundations, nonprofits, and advocacy groups to conduct both internal and public-facing research to better understand the needs of the communities they serve and drive positive behavioral and attitudinal change. His clients include recipients of the MacArthur Genius Fellowship, TED’s The Audacious Project, and other honors. Patrick’s research for his advocacy clients spans:


  • Mental health: Patrick’s research for clients like Inseparable, Well Being Trust, and Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation has been covered in Forbes, Education Week, and Politico, among others, and called “cutting edge” by the World Health Organization.


  • Digital lives of young people: Patrick has led groundbreaking research for clients like Thorn to gain a deep understanding of minors’ use of digital platforms to help advocates and major tech companies better protect kids from online exploitation.


  • LGBTQ+ rights and equity: In addition to work that has focused on the mental health and digital experiences of queer youth, Patrick has conducted research with groups like Movement Advancement Project to develop messaging guidance to help protect trans kids and LGBTQ+ families from discrimination and political attacks.


  • Healthy communities and counter-polarization: Patrick has helped organizations address social isolation, increase civic engagement, and identify content exposure strategies to build empathy and reduce political contempt. He is proud to lead research for StoryCorps’ One Small Step campaign.


In addition to his work in the political and non-profit sectors, Patrick also has years of experience using research to advise businesses on how to position themselves as leaders in technology, innovation, and ESG.


Patrick grew up on Martha’s Vineyard (yes, year round) and earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is NOT related to the Republican Senator from Pennsylvania.

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What are some causes you care about?
Fighting for LGBTQ+ equality, combatting far-right radicalization, and building sustainable futures for island communities.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever gotten?
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Latest Thought Leadership

Axios covers our research for Thorn, led by Patrick, on youth online safety and risky behavior.

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